I'm always coming to you guys with blogs that inform and leave a message on your minds and heart. Well this entry is what i like to call funny/serious and this is for those who like myself has met someone and have recently started dating. Now here comes the holidays and your are thinking in your head "Finally someone to answer the question, so are you dating?" and then you wish a large spotlight shines down on your date and a background announcer introduces him or her. Yeah that would be great, but there is this thing called reality that may not let that scenario happen. So here are some of my tips on 3 month dating and holidays:
3 Month Dating Holiday Rules
1. Gifts are appreciated, they are appreciated more when you pick on something through general conversation that they may have mentioned they wanted, so be attentive.
2. Do not leave kids out, you knew they came with kids after a few conversations be as godly as possible and take car of the kids and the elderly please geesh. (Only if asked to be a participant)
3. We will have our own SEPARATE Christmas I wont merge you into my dysfunction any earlier than 6 months tops, gives you time to build your tolerance level and possibly mine because only God knows whats going on with your people (insert no shade here)
4. For those with the over-achiever spirit now is a time to put it away because it is the most small simple intimate moments that make the best memories, so don't go get a big ass tree and a dancing Santa when its just you and them tone it down.
5. Invites are acceptable if that person has no family or no place to go, show kindness God will smile on you for it.
6. Don't volunteer too much information too soon, you are not at a interview stage point in your relationship there is no need to submit work info, gym info, etc. that's how pop ups happen NOPE!
7. Most importantly don't start making wedding plans after one successful holiday you make plans after the 3rd horrific dysfunctional one if you haven't left by then you wont be leaving face it.
Now I'm no expert so by all means you don't have to follow these particular rules however, I have lived and learned and it comes with experience. But if you feel as if hell maybe you have tried it all and why not try one more thing...just thank me later....just kidding!
Peace and Blessings,
Swagg P
"Buzzworthy Cravings, Creatively Satisfied!"
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