Buzzworthy Cravings, Creatively Satisfied!!" Sweet Tooth Media is a sound board for all things poetically entertaining, entreprenuerial, cultured. Since its inception Sweet Tooth Media has provided positive press and honest commentary for artists and events. It exists to continue doing that work, however we are expanding to include social and political change as experienced in the climate of the 21st century.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Horny and Healthy: How Sex Can Improve A Woman's Overall Health
I'm back and I'm here to tell you, ladies you better get you some, no really you should. What I mean by some which some of you may have already figured out I mean SEX, SEXUAL RELATIONS, LOVE MAKING, BED ROCKING, and the many many other names for this particular action. If you remember in a previous blog I mention that the FDA approved a new drug called Addyi, which is the female version of Viagra. Surveys says an estimated 8 to 14% of women between the ages of 20-49 suffer from hypo active sexual desire which is approximately 5.5 to 8.6. million women in the U.S. The F.D.A. stated that the drug was approved for women who has lost their sexual drive due to "marked distress" or "interpersonal difficulty" and not for the use for those who suffer from a lower sexual drive due to medication side affects, illness (depression or mood disorders), or relationship problems, check out http://sweettoothmedia.blogspot.com/2015/08/introducing-addyi-to-help-stella-get.html. Well for those that may not need that assistance or even for those that do here are a few facts on the benefits of having sex for women:
1. Less stress- At least 1 out of Americans admit that they deal with a great amount of stress everyday. Whether it is dealing with job, home life, finances stress is sometimes unavoidable. Researchers from the University of West of Scotland reveals that people who have sex at least once every 2 weeks were able to manage stressful situations. That is because endorphin and Oxycontin are released during sex, and these feel-good hormones are what get the active pleasure center in your brain up and going which brings intimacy and relaxation. Also research shows that women who were directly exposed to semen were less likely to be depressed. There are mood-altering hormones that are present in semen can be absorbed through the vagina. Some include but are not limited to Prolactin and natural anti-depressant and Oxytocin which assist in enhancing one's mood and serotonin, a widely known antidepressant neurotransmitter. In return help keeps anxiety and depression away, and who wants either one of those, I mean honestly. **Added bonus #1 the cowgirl position and upstanding are the top two position where results has shown to be better**
2. Sleep Aid- Many have used the line or went into the bedroom with the goal "I'm about to put that ass to sleep" maybe not verbatim in those words but you get it. However here is the type of sex that you need to aim for to achievement says Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D., the director of the Sexual Psychophysiology Lab at The University of Texas at Austin (GO LONGHORNS). During an orgasm a hormone Prolactin is released. "Prolactin levels are naturally higher when we sleep which suggests a strong relationship between the two," So here is the key the more active your are during sex, like the night you wanted to try every position possible you really just energize yourself even more, slow and steady is the key to a good nights rest, thank me later. **Added bonus #2 The Flat Iron position is some that is simple position as well as fulfilling definitely a sleeper move**
3. Pain Reliever- Don't have any Advil or Aleeve around, but your mate is available, BOOM the solution is right there and wont cost you a dime. The endorphin that are released during and orgasm are similar to the feeling of morphine, yes morphine and immediately relieves pain. Now lets just say your mate is unavailable, you can do this all by yourself and get the same results. **Added bonus #3 The position Valedictorian can be done with or without a partner, but its better with an added person**
4.Cold Medicine- No wants to be touched when they are sick with a cold, I mean who feels attractive when they are sick. Your immune system is fight a whole war on the inside and you look like you have been to war on the outside. Well here is a little prevention method that can prevent all of that. Researchers at Wilkes University have found that people who have sex were found to have higher levels of a antibody called immunoglobulin which helps the body combat dieases and keeps the body safe from colds and flu. So as fall and winter approach and the cold and flu season comes around I suggest you get that immunoglobulin up and going or be stuck on the couch. **Added bonus #4 Enjoy some champagne while trying out the champagne room position hell while listening to a lil ChampagnePapi (that's Drake by the way)***
5. Fountain Of Youth- There are so many products out now for skin aging too many to keep up. However a panel taken in Scotland showed that women who were sexually active at least 4 times a week on average were perceived to be 7 to 12 years younger than their actual age. Regular sex increases the release of hormones, including testosterone and estrogen which keeps the body looking youthful and flawless. Also there are many anti aging products out now however the real fountain of youth comes from a very natural and free resource, yes ladies I am talking about sperm. In sperm is a crystalline polyamine compound called Spermine which is also considered an antioxidant. It is believed to diminish wrinkles, smooth skin, and help with taming or preventing acne. According to BioForSkining the cream Spremine is 30 times more effective than Vitamin E and can delay the process of aging by 20%. So the next time you stop to go shop for your facial cream which on average goes for 80$ and over. Just think about and reconsider it might get you closer to something else fabulous you can buy for yourself. **Added bonus #5 There are a variety of tasty lubes to help with the process**
6. Lighter Periods and Less Cramps- Now ladies as we all know the monster we call the menstrual cycle can be what seems like the death of you. Bloating, cramps, mood swings, the time of the month where we transition into a totally different person. However, "When a woman orgasms, her uterus contracts and, in the process rids the body of cramp causing compounds." explains Meston. The increased number of uterine contractions can also help blood and tissue flow more freely which ends the period more quickly. Although it doesn't seem appealing because you automatically think what a mess. However if you place down a dark towel and stick only to the missionary position because when laying down the flow is lighter, and nothing has to stop your sexual schedule, well unless you have an unwilling participant and then is so, solo it is for you. **Added bonus #6 Stick to missionary for the sake of your sheets**
Last but not least
7. What a Hellva Way To Work Out: As you know sex is #2 on the charts for cardio. Sex can burn up to 85 to 250 calories per session (depending on the session length) and is also good for sculpting. been wanting to get rid of the pooch ladies, fella is you 6 pack no longer at 6, get to sexing. Not only are you working on your heart you are also working on your back, butt, and thighs. So skip the spin class, skip the treadmill, and find your partner and burn those calories in a more fun and exciting way. **Added bonus #7 the more positions you try the more calories you burn***
So now that I have given you 7 fabulous reason to have sex, go have some for goodness sake. However let's not be reckless in the process remember:
1. Safe sex is the best sex
2. Don't be afraid to have it with yourself you will get the same results
3. Do it at your own time and pace, no pressure
Peace and Blessings,
Swagg P
"Buzzworthy Cravings, Creatively Satisfied!"
Cindy M. Meston,
Women's Health
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