The Vain-ity Project: Curves and Confidence. The Vain-ity Project: Curves and Confidence exists to provide a platform for women to confidently celebrate their curves without fear or contradiction. Our goal is to redefine the beauty representations for women of color, encourage self love through self image and empower confidence levels through conversation, poetry, and photography (art). This liberating shoot definitely has curves, confidence, and conversation, the kind of conversation that need to be had more often. These women including myself share what a day and a life is in our (BBW) shoes, so many think they know but really have no idea. I hope that this project reaches at least one. The girl who is shunned and shut out at school because of her size. The woman who finds someone attractive all for the person to respond with nasty negative hurtful words because of their unresolved anger issues from the one that once rejected them. To that young lady who refuses to eat because society says anything over size 4 is too big and she just want to be accepted. That woman that I once was taking verbal and physical abuse because I thought no one else wanted me. My self esteem was at 0 once upon a time, but once I broke that mind set and detoxed everything she said I wasnt I felt cleansed. I felt as if i was the woman I'm destined to be I just had to put myself in a better place. Let this be the breakthrough that is needed, I know this Vain-ity project will not be in vain.
All to often, we suffer the loud and empty opinion of others. Being a celebrity doesnt excuse one from being attached. I definitely want to give a round of applause to one of my favorite artist Pink. I have always admired her "girl power" with songs such as "Stupid Girls" "So What" and "Raise Your Glass". Well it seems that this past Saturday she attended a cancer benefit for one of her dear friends and this was her look:

And well here was her perfect response:
Peace and Blessings,
Swagg P.

(For more Tweets check out http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryancreed/pink-responded-to-body-shaming-in-the-best-way-possible)
"Buzzworthy Cravings, Creatively Satisfied!"
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